
Walk a while in my boots...

Pictured is my boot-clad foot peeking out
from underneath my security officer
uniform's pants. I'm just about to step
out onto the airport's tarmac.

Today I pulled my boots on for work...

And no, they are not a part of our uniform regulations but before my employers hurry to write me up for disobeying it, maybe you should read to the end of this post…

I don’t usually get into politics or try to talk about it. It’s too difficult for a normal little person to understand. I don’t understand those huge paychecks that big bosses get, I know the difference between domestic and foreign politics: domestic being politics of the homeland and foreign meaning dealings with –or sometimes meddling with- other countries and their affairs.

Every now and then there’s an election. In an election normal, everyday people vote for normal everyday people that will decide the day to day life decisions of normal everyday people. I myself fell victim into blaming some of the upcoming budget cuts on simply on congressman and raving about it in social media. 

The fact is that there are 200 ordinary people in the Finnish parliament. Those 200 are someone’s mothers, dads, sons and daughters. They have faced adversity and heartache in their lives just like you and me: some more so then others. Some of them are healthy, yet some battle with personal illnesses or illnesses of loved ones. They’ve been scared of upcoming exams at school, been bullied, succeeded and failed at things. They are people, just like you and me. BUT they are the ones who are deciding life for ME and for YOU. I understand that they are people, but do they understand that I’m a living human being as well?

Do they understand, that by cutting Sunday pay, they will be hitting the people who’s salary may consist as much as 1/3 of that? These tens of thousands of people’s mortgages are in jeopardy because of that! The roof above their heads is in danger of being ripped away because of this minor cut that is only targeted at a “fraction of the workforce”. Force is hard to see and therefore hard to think about it as concrete. Why won’t they talk about PEOPLE? People are real, people are concrete!
I find it sad that some jobs are still regarded as lower jobs and the people who work in them are regarded by the media and parliament as less-than- human. 

In my eyes there are only 2 “ain’t worth-shit” jobs: criminals, both common and professional ones that range from your wife-beater/child molester to smugglers and hustlers. That McWorker is no less valuable then a big-time corporate boss, for he will serve you food which you need to live. Cleaning crew are DEFFIDENLY not lower class people, for without them your businesses would be a lot dirtier! Does a smaller salary make a person something less human?

I pulled on my boots today because I took a lot of willpower to get out of bed and go to work. It feels like those deciding about our lives seem to think that people who run the mundane day-to-day jobs are expendable and somehow less-than-human.

To me boots have signified a hard-working person with a good moral. An old fashion cowboy who rode and worked and did the best he could in circumstances which were harsh and less than ideal. It is a symbol of an honest day’s work. I pulled my boots on today so I could remember to value myself as an employee and more so a human being! I needed a concrete reminder of why even to go to work an exist.

Don’t be bothered to cry out to the congressmen and ask them to walk a month in your shoes and live off of your salary. A month is way too short and easy. You could stand on your head for a month! I don’t claim to have any solution to this dilemma that is too big for a little ol’ person like me to comprehend. But I am tired of exsisting and feeling like a burden to these parliament people! 

I wish I could take a video camera and visit every one of Finland’s population and let them tell their story in 5 minutes or less. The make the parliament watch each and every one in a marathon. 5,5 million x 5 minutes = a concrete look that these are real people here, not just figures in a yearly economy report!

So I am going to continue pulling my boots on every now and then as a reminder to myself and a testament to others that each of us matters.

Put your boots on!

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